Chris Dabek
- Bio
- Skills
- Models
Streamwood, IL, United States
Working with Inventor since version 5
Design Engineer
General Manufacturing
- AutoCAD
- Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Inventor
Edwards Radial 5 Engine
By: Chris DabekNot finished from the plans I found, many parts have been changed to give it a more unique look.
SMG .45 Caliber
By: Chris DabekFound a book where someone shows how to make a homemade SMG, not really interested in making the thing, but it had dimensioned drawings! So I had to draw it up!! I didn't put the magazine in the 3d just so people that actually planned on making it
Eric Whittle's V8
By: Chris DabekGuy at work said he would only make this if it was double the size, so I got to work making it. All is done from new files, minus Propeller, Springs, Gears, and Fasteners. Uploded to grabcad a while ago , might as well put it here too.