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I like to design the world around me and make improvements where I see fit. The challenge is in the compromise of the engineered design!
Primary Software Used: SOLIDWORKS
Modeling Software:
- AutoCAD
- Autodesk Inventor
- Autodesk Revit
- CoCreate
- DraftSight
- NX
- Onshape
- Pro/Engineer
- Solid Edge
- Unigraphics (NX)
Certified Solidworks Professional - Mechanical Design
2014, Cert ID: License C-3ACTMB6VS9
Certified Solidworks Professional – Advanced Drawing Tools
2014, Cert ID: License C-UHGP5H4F6X
Certified Solidworks Professional – Advanced Mold Tools
2014, Cert ID: License C-9XG262PFEK
Certified Solidworks Professional – Advanced Sheet Metal
2014, Cert ID: License C-HG6F5YWFZ3
Certified Solidworks Professional – Advanced Surfacing
2014, Cert ID: License C-GDEGS7J5QW
Certified Solidworks Professional – Advanced Weldments
2014, Cert ID: License C-MR93VXJDD6
Certified Solidworks Professional - Simulation
2014, Cert ID: License C-PP42LSNA3X
Custom Deskfan
By: Winston JenningsThis project all started when I had an innovative idea to make a desk fan out of old computer parts and a few salvaged electronic parts I had in my parts box. This cad model is as close to the real thing as possible. Feel free to contribute to this p
Think about the mission... Accident victims are in most cases, severely traumatized and/or in shock. Seeing one of these things approach will finish the process (kill them). You couldn't pick a more disturbing form factor, unless perhaps you made it look like the Alien in the Sigourny Weaver movies..
You have no idea if the thing will be flight stable with all the appendages, and add ons. You have no idea if the electronics, radar, etc. can be minaturized enough to fit in the Scorpio S.R.P, so you say, "will have to redesigned once they are selected". Understatement.
You're going to take this thing up into a tree? It will be snagged and caught on the branches. You make a number of claims, like "GPS Ready". Exactly what is that? You can put a GPS unit in a trash can!
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Think about the mission... Accident victims are in most cases, severely traumatized and/or in shock. Seeing one of these things approach will finish the process (kill them). You couldn't pick a more disturbing form factor, unless perhaps you made it look like the Alien in the Sigourny Weaver movies..
You have no idea if the thing will be flight stable with all the appendages, and add ons. You have no idea if the electronics, radar, etc. can be minaturized enough to fit in the Scorpio S.R.P, so you say, "will have to redesigned once they are selected". Understatement.
You're going to take this thing up into a tree? It will be snagged and caught on the branches. You make a number of claims, like "GPS Ready". Exactly what is that? You can put a GPS unit in a trash can!
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